Niels Borring, billedkunstner


Please feel free to contact me via phone or email to make an appointment to visit my art studio.

E-mail Niels Borring:
Mobile: +45 20640982

Jorgen Poulsen
Mobile: +45 22670672

Studio location:
Skeltoftevej 28
DK-3050 Humlebæk


I work with a wide range of techniques and materials including drawing, painting, sculpture/objects, prints, and photography – preferably in mixed media and sizes ranging from miniatures to large-scale works.

In recent years, I have participated in juried Danish exhibitions such as “Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling” (Artists’ Easter Exhibition in Aarhus) and “Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling” (Artists’ Summer Exhibition at the West Jutland Art Museum), as well as the biennial Hvidovre Juried Exhibition and at Birkerød Art Society.

Using classical drawing and painting techniques as my foundation, I explore the visual and narrative impact of combining these with mixed media and digital technology to manipulate, dissolve, and synthesize paintings or artworks. Regardless of my approach, my preferred “canvas” will always be paper or paperboard.

Classical craftsmanship in the traditional sense is not necessarily a focal point in contemporary art. Today’s aesthetics are based on a different set of values. However, I am deeply drawn to the meticulous care and finish I’ve encountered in Western art history as well as in Japanese art and crafts. Perhaps it’s an occupational hazard I’ve acquired as an art conservator. Working meticulously with details is simply crucial for me. I believe this attention to detail is evident in most of my paintings.

While motif and composition are crucial elements, it’s equally important to me that a painting conveys a story or has an inner meaning. My paintings should reflect something of significance to us or address issues that affect us. However, I never aim to promote specific political or ethical positions, let alone impose my opinions on the viewer. I want my artworks to be polysemantic and open to interpretation. As such, I’m happy to leave interpretation to the individual viewer – acknowledging that we all perceive art based on our unique experiences. Furthermore, I’ve often discovered that the story and subtext develop an autonomous life beyond my control as I add new elements and layers of paint to the work before me. This is undoubtedly a common experience for artists, writers, and actors – the story and subtext inevitably take on their own rich inner life. And that’s exactly how it should be, in my opinion.

See a selection of Niels’s works:


a.w. unterland

When signing my artworks I use AWU (A.W. Unterland) as my artistic alias.



  • 5-19 January 2025 , censored exhibition #CMA2025 in Galleri Nybro, Copenhagen.


  • 30 Nov. & 1 Dec. 2024, Art Market, Birkerød Artist Association
  • 15 June – 11 August 2024, KS23, Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling, at Westjutland’s Art Museum in Tistrup.
  • 10 February – 2 March 2024, HCU 2024, Hvidovre Censored Exhibition, See catalogue (pdf)

  • 2-3 December 2023, Art Market, Birkerød Artist Association.
  • 4-5 November 2023 10-16. ”Metamorphosis” at “The Prison” in Horsens, Jutland. The protagonist of the exhibition is P.A. Alberti, who had been minister of justice from 1901-8. After he was sentenced for committing financial crime during his term as minister, Alberti was an inmate at the Horsen’s Prison, today a museum. All the works on show are originals created for a new book on Alberti and in the broader sense the transformations we as individuals undergo during our lifetime.
  • 17 June – 7 August 2023: KS23, Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling, at Westjutland’s Art Museum in Tistrup. See

    2022 and previous years
  • 26-27 November 2022: Art Market, Birkerød Artist Cooperativ.
  • 18 June – 7 August 2022: KS22, Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling, Janus Bygningen in Tistrup, Jutland. See
  • 9 -22 March 2022: Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen.
  • 8-28 January 2022: Censored exhibition Copenhagen Miniature Art, #CMA2022, Galleri Nybro, Copenhagen.
  • 30 November & 1 December 2021: Art Market, Birkerød Artist Cooperativ.
    • Canceled due to COVID-restrictions:
    • 17 – 30 March 2021: Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen.
    • 28 & 29 November 2020: Art Market, Birkerød Artist Cooperativ.
    • 18 March – 29 March 2020: Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen.
  • 30 November & 1 December 2019: Art Market, Birkerød Artist Cooperativ.
  • 11 October – 22 November 2019 Mini-Galleri No. 39.
  • 30 March – 24 April 2019: KP19 – the open juried exhibition of contemporary art in Kunsthal Aarhus (DK).
  • 1-2 December 2018: Art Market, Birkerød Artist Cooperative
  • 24. January – 3 April 2018: Artists’ Cooperative, CIMT, Region Hovedstaden – Centre for IT, Medico and Technology
  • 2-3 December 2017: Art Market, Birkerød Artist Cooperative
  • 9 October – 30 November 2017: Artists’ Cooperative, Danish Ministry of Education
  • 6-8 October 2017: Art for All, Lokomotivværkstedet, Copenhagen
  • 3-18 December 2016: Birkerød Artists’ Cooperative
  • 3-28 October 2016: Artists’ Cooperative BO-VEST, Glostrup, Denmark


  • 2023; The antology “Metamorphosis – The Art of Tranformation”
  • 2019: “101 Kunstnere” by Tom Jørgensen
  • 2016: Article in the daily Frederiksborg Amtsavis about exhibtion at Birkerød Art Society


  • 2019: Birte Rottenstens Mindelegat – study tour Japanse art and paper production.
  • 1992: Marie Månsson Scholarship Fund, used in the study of Australian Aboriginal Art.


  • 2000 to present: Senior Conservator, National Gallery of Denmark. Areas of responsibility include, among others, oil paintings on paper and master drawings from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Baroque era.
  • 1998-2003: Master of Science (MSc) in Conservation from the Danish Royal Academy of Art
  • 1989-1992: Bachelor’s Degree in Conservation from the Danish Royal Academy of Art
  • 1985-1989: Askov Jensens Drawing School, Copenhagen’s Glyptotek Museum
  • 1988-1989: Practical Art History, University of Copenhagen
  • 1985-1988: Minor in Art History, University of Copenhagen
  • 1984-1985: Workshop cooperative in Copenhagen
  • 1983-1984: Art and Drama studies, Herning Højskole